Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pi Day

I know it's really sad, and I shouldn't admit this to anyone, but I really can't wait for it to be March 14, 2015!

Now, this only works if you write the date USA-style with the month first. Since I'm living in New York City at the moment, it totally works :)

March 14, 2015...


Yep... PI! 3.1415...

Sadly, I have pi memorised to some ridiculous number of places. I won't write it out here. It's just too too nerdy even for this no-one-reads-me math blog. I had a friend in 6th grade who was just such a know-it-all and kept going on about how she had memorised all these digits of pi, so I decided I just had to beat her. Yep, put me on in a sports team and I have no idea what's going on and don't really care who wins, but challenge me to a pi dual and I'm all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake. Totally kicked her ass by the way. Yeah... Just sayin'...

She went on to graduate high school two years early and has just finished med school, while I'm still boasting about my success back in 6th grade... on a blog that no one reads... Oh dear.



I remember a particularly grueling Number Theory lecture where the chalk boards covering the front wall (numbering 9 in total on rollers so they could slide up and down the wall) were totally covered in really dense proofs and crazy symbols. At the end, the lecturer was about to erase the boards but decided against it when he saw the next class was for first years. The looks on their faces as they walked in and saw what was in store for them in the years to come... Classic!

I imagine a couple of people transferred to Arts after that...

My blonde moments...

Story of my life. I always manage to follow up any smart thing I do or say with something completely ridiculous like this... Luckily people generally put it down to having a "blonde" moment.